Deploy & Integrate: Seamlessly integrate Microsoft Planner into your organizational framework with our structured, scalable approach. Leveraging insights gathered during the discovery and readiness phases, we swiftly implement tailored deployment strategies, accelerating the adoption of Microsoft Planner across designated departments and use cases. Our team delivers customized solutions, accelerators, and integrations, ensuring a seamless transition and maximizing the platform's utility.


Rollout & Reporting Excellence: Foster a vibrant community of practice to spearhead the Microsoft Planner rollout and knowledge dissemination. Through collaborative efforts, we empower users to embrace the platform's capabilities fully. Additionally, we meticulously monitor and measure the impact on business efficiency, providing valuable insights to drive ongoing optimization and success.


Schedule a call today  


We value Your time. Our process is simple:

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Step 01/ Discovery

Quick, 15-20 minutes call to understand your objectives, requirements, expectations.

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Step 02/ Demo

Personalized, 60-minutes demo of the New MS Planner to show how it can support your use cases.


On the discovery call we will discuss:

  • All the requirements important to YOU and YOUR company.
  • How can we help solving problems and pains YOUR team has
  • How new MS Planner would work with YOUR use case specifically
  • How well it fits YOUR processes
  • How new MS Planner integrates with YOUR systems and tools you use every day.

Plus – we will try to answer any questions you might have at that time.

Schedule Discovery Meeting

Want To See How New Microsoft Planner Would Work For Your Company?