DALL·E 2023-11-21 14.03.07 - Create a dark, predominantly purple background design suitable for a HERO section of a website. The design should be abstract, conveying a sense of ad

Tiger Data PP Ver 1.pptx (1)

TIGer Doctor

AI-Driven Physician Referral System.

Discover Our AI Innovations


Tiger Doctor PP Ver 1.pptx

Limited Specialist Availability

Insufficient specialist availability can cause extended wait times for patients, affecting their overall healthcare experience. Availability in the local area.

Tiger Doctor PP Ver 1.pptx (1)

Technology Integration Issues

Difficulty in integrating different electronic health record (EHR) systems hampers seamless sharing of patient data between referring and receiving entities

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Poor Tracking Systems

Inefficient tracking mechanisms make it challenging to monitor the status of referrals, leading to potential oversights and patient dissatisfaction.

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Insufficient Referral Feedback Loop

The absence of a structured feedback loop between referring and receiving parties hinders the identification and resolution of recurring issues in the referral process.




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Develop and implement advanced AI algorithms to automate and optimize the creation of deployment project schedules in alignment with military doctrine.​​


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Integrate AI-driven risk generation and mitigation strategies as core components of project management goals

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Implement AI-driven resource allocation and management systems to optimize the deployment of personnel, equipment, and logistics.

Mission Statement

At TIGer Doctor our mission is to empower military personnel with a state-of-the-art AI-driven physician referral system that ensures prompt and personalized access to exceptional healthcare.


Primary Doctor Visit:

Active military, reserve military, or
veteran after visiting their primary
doctor discover that they need to
see a specialist.

DALL·E 2023-11-21 11.24.39 - An American soldier in military uniform is sitting in a doctors office. The soldier is depicted as a young Caucasian male with short hair, wearing ca
DALL·E 2023-11-21 11.38.58 - Create an illustration of a stylized hand holding a smartphone. The smartphones screen should be glowing to indicate its active but without displayi


Download and activate TIGER app

They are advised to download
and activate TIGER AIRWAYS
specialist referral application.


Specialist Search:

TIGER app will perform a
search of all known military
branch databases and utilizing
Al algorithms will recommend
the most optimal specialist
based on a diverse set of

DALL·E 2023-11-21 11.48.20 - Create an abstract illustration that conceptualizes a specialist search through the TIGER app, omitting any text. Visualize digital and military motif
DALL·E 2023-11-21 11.56.56 - Create an illustration on an orange background that abstractly depicts the concept of a coordinator approving a case using a mobile app, without any t


Coordinator approval:

Assigned coordinator will pick up the case via the TIGER App and based on predetermined rule set will approve the visit to the specialist.


Appointment Scheduled via the TIGER App

Al will automatically schedule an appointment with a specialist based on pre- determined criteria and Also algorithm settings. Using the App specialist will validate the visit.

DALL·E 2023-11-21 12.00.01 - Illustrate the concept of an AI scheduling an appointment with a specialist using a mobile app, on a dark blue or dark green background, without any t


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Ensure that our system complies with relevant regulations and standards, such as HIPAA. Implement robust encryption and authentication mechanisms to protect patient data.


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Military personnel are often stationed in various locations, including remote or overseas deployments. Our system will be able to account for geographical factors, providing referrals to healthcare providers based on the individual's location.


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User-Friendly Interface

Intuitive and user-friendly interface for both healthcare providers and military personnel. This includes a straightforward process for physicians to make referrals and for patients to access and understand their referrals.



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Feedback Mechanism: Incorporate a feedback mechanism for both referring physicians and patients. This can help improve the system's accuracy and efficiency over time by learning from the outcomes of referrals.


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Machine Learning Algorithms: Implement machine learning algorithms to analyze and predict healthcare needs based on the medical history and patterns of military personnel. This can help in making more accurate and timely referrals.


Empowering Health, Enriching Lives: Connecting Military Heroes to Specialized Care with Precision and Care.

Tiger Doctor PP Ver 1.pptx (1)